Classroom Slips & Forms
per item
Exit Passes:
- Printable exit passes - 4 per A4 page. Mainly black and white, some colour needed for 2. Colour printing not essential.
- PDF format.
- 11 examples of exit pass.
Uh Oh, I'll explain:
- A form for students to fill out when work is not completed. The responsibility is back on the student but gives the student direction on fixing the problem.
- The form comes as a PDF as 1, 2 or 4 per A4 page.
Friday 54321:
- A positivity exercise for students to reflect back on the good in the week. I give these to my tutor group and also my Music & German classes on a Friday - so far so good! Students love it!
- PDF format in A4 (2 per page to be cut in half after print)
Quality Control Check:
- A handy little slip to help with giving feedback to students on the quality of their work. Can be quickly stapled to the work and kept for reviewing.
- Comes as an A4 (2 per page) PDF digital download - not editable
I earned a note:
- Ready made 'I earned a note' for your classroom management and praising positive behaviour in class.
- This will help to communicate with home and let them know how their child is doing! Communication to home is so important even when it's praising good behaviour.
- 4 different designs - 3 colourfully designed and 1 plain black and white
Fix it Ticket:
- Ready made 'Fix it Tickets' for your classroom management and dealing with behaviour issues in class.
- This will help to communicate with home so everyone is kept in the loop! Communication to home is so important especially when it comes to working on behaviour.
- 5 different designs - 4 colourfully designed and 1 plain black and white
Self Assessment:
- An easy way for students to assess how they are doing. Useful for behaviour and classroom management.
Have used all for junior and senior level classes.