Seachtain na Gaeilge Intro to Irish Traditional Music (ITM)
Included in this pack:
*Sample Lesson Plan Scheme to guide you through the resources.
*PowerPoint to guide you through the lessons. (PDF format)
*ITM Features on Keyword bricks for your keyword wall.
*Instrument Flashcards (Laminate and cut flashcards – double sided)
*Match the Shamrocks – matching up details about the dances. (Laminate and cut shamrocks apart)
*Song Tradition Dominoes (Laminate and cut dominoes apart).
*3 essays to help with your knowledge of ITM (Leaving Cert Standard)
*ITM Worksheets including a project brief.
*Topic Covers to help you organize.
*Blank dances chart to fill in
*Fusion info sheet with questions
These lessons and resources are a guide – feel free to change it up! Remove a lesson or spend more than one lesson on an area if you like!
Beginning Teaching Bundle (Growing…)
Some activities to keep us teachers planning, entertained and organised over the Summer holidays! We are so used to having a journal during the school term we may as well have a fun one for the Summer holidays to treat ourselves!!!
ALL Writing activities to be filled in by you….
Plans – looking forward
Special Occasions
Exercise Tracker
Weekly Goal Template
Weekly Diary Template
Chore Chart & Template
Self Care Ideas & Template
Shopping List
Weekly Menu Planner Template
Summer Essentials:
BBQ Checklist
Monthly Plans
Summer Bucket list
Travel Itinerary
Travel Plans
Summer Entertainment
Teacher Essentials (all templates):
Unit Ideas
Ideas for Teaching
Classroom Setup Plans
Back to School to do list
Office Supplies Checklist
Hoping these activities will keep me busy for the Summer!!!
95 pages in colour PDF
I have made this workbook/ booklet for teachers going for interview. These are questions that I have combined from interview experience and questions that I imagine could be asked.
These are questions for you to prepare. I haven’t prepared answers for you but have included suggestions where I felt you may need them. I have not covered every question imaginable but I have included the questions that I think are most popular.
Over 80 questions to answer!
Mainly aimed at post primary school but has questions suitable to primary teachers.
PDF Format.
Areas Covered:
About Your Teaching
Your Subject & Class
Re-interviewing in the same school
Assessment & Motivation
Classroom Management & Discipline
School Overall
Online Teaching
Beginning Teaching is such a fun journey, provided you know what you are doing!
This is a 58 page guide for teachers/ student teachers or want to be teachers of Primary & Post Primary in Ireland.
This is why I have created a Guide To Beginning Teaching to bring you through the main points of you need to know from dress code to managing workload & time.
Chapters in this guide/ ebook contain:
• Being Professional
• Communication
• Being Prepared
• Getting Organised
• Patience
• Being Human
• Discipline
• Looking After Yourself
• Managing Time & Workload
• The Good Bits (Some nice planning bits)
The guide has both reading and planning material!
Check out my Instagram where I share my teaching ideas, experiences and the teaching ideas of other amazing teachers.
You can also check out my website where I regularly update my teacher area and subject specific areas.
Please leave a review and let me know how this guide/ eBook has helped you. I’d love to hear from you. Details in the guide.
(I have not included about the Teaching Council as I feel that you can check that out on the website and I don’t want to give any wrong information!)
★★★I intend to make this a growing bundle where I will be adding aids for teachers starting out. Those who have purchased already will be able to download the new ones as they’re added for no additional cost!★★★
*iPad in picture not included – has to be said!
Boom Quiz Editable PowerPoint
Editable PowerPoint as featured on my IGTV for running your online Boom Quiz!
Teacher Interview Questions Workbook
I have made this workbook/ booklet for teachers going for interview. These are questions that I have combined from interview experience and questions that I imagine could be asked.
These are questions for you to prepare. I haven’t prepared answers for you but have included suggestions where I felt you may need them. I have not covered every question imaginable but I have included the questions that I think are most popular.
Over 80 questions to answer!
Mainly aimed at post primary school but has questions suitable to primary teachers.
PDF Format.
Areas Covered:
About Your Teaching
Your Subject & Class
Re-interviewing in the same school
Assessment & Motivation
Classroom Management & Discipline
School Overall
Online Teaching
A Guide to Beginning Teaching
Beginning Teaching is such a fun journey, provided you know what you are doing!
This is a 58 page guide for teachers/ student teachers or want to be teachers of Primary & Post Primary in Ireland.
This is why I have created a Guide To Beginning Teaching to bring you through the main points of you need to know from dress code to managing workload & time.
Chapters in this guide/ ebook contain:
• Being Professional
• Communication
• Being Prepared
• Getting Organised
• Patience
• Being Human
• Discipline
• Looking After Yourself
• Managing Time & Workload
• The Good Bits (Some nice planning bits)
The guide has both reading and planning material!
Check out my Instagram where I share my teaching ideas, experiences and the teaching ideas of other amazing teachers.
You can also check out my website where I regularly update my teacher area and subject specific areas.
Please leave a review and let me know how this guide/ eBook has helped you. I’d love to hear from you. Details in the guide.
(I have not included about the Teaching Council as I feel that you can check that out on the website and I don’t want to give any wrong information!)
Beatles & Deane Key Ring Revision Strips
Looks like paint testers in store, but acts as a quick revision tool, print from home/ school.
BEATLES: 28 colour strips with info & 4 blank spares in PDF.
DEANE: 14 colour strips with info & 2 spares in PDF
Comes in A4 PDF format.
I suggest to print, laminate, hole punch and add keyring let photo shown.
I use them for:
-important topic info
Have fun!
Beatles Key Ring Revision
Looks like paint testers in store, but acts as a quick revision tool, print from home/ school.
28 colour strips with info & 4 blank spares in PDF.
Comes in A4 PDF format.
I suggest to print, laminate, hole punch and add keyring let photo shown.
I use them for:
-important topic info
Have fun!
(Seachanges available too)
Keyring Revision - Seachanges (Deane)
Looks like paint testers in store, but acts as a quick revision tool, print from home/ school.
14 colour strips with info & 2 blank spares in PDF. Comes in A4 PDF format. I suggest to print, laminate, hole punch and add keyring let photo shown.
I use them for:
-important topic info
Have fun!
TY Music PowerPoint
•My Favourites
•The Orchestra
•Music Genres
•Rap and Hip Hop
•Film Music
•Music Therapy
•Basic Music Theory
•Note Names
•Note Duration
•Key Signatures
•Irish Music
•The Beatles
150 slides to help you with teaching TY Music.
These are suggested activities that can be covered with a class of mixed abilities.
The links to the accompanying videos can be found through my website in the 'Transition Year' Music Section.
This product is best used with the accompanying teachers notes and Booklet/ Workbook - these are not included in this product. These are included in my shop - "TY Music Bundle" is the name of the resource containing everything.
PLEASE NOTE: This file comes in PowerPoint format. PowerPoint cannot be edited. Appears in a read only format.
TY Music Bundle
TY Music PowerPoint
TY Music Booklet/ Workbook
Teacher Guide
•My Favourites
•The Orchestra
•Music Genres
•Rap and Hip Hop
•Film Music
•Music Therapy
•Basic Music Theory
•Note Names
•Note Duration
•Key Signatures
•Irish Music
•The Beatles
150 slides to help you with teaching TY Music.
These are suggested activities that can be covered with a class of mixed abilities. Additional information will need to be also supplemented by you to suit your students.
The links to the accompanying videos can be found through my website in the 'Transition Year' Music Section.
PLEASE NOTE: This file comes in PowerPoint format. PowerPoint cannot be edited. Appears in a read only format.
Booklet/ Workbook:
49 pages in total. Contains worksheet style pages to be filled in based on the topics mentioned above.
These are suggested activities that can be covered with a class of mixed abilities.
The links to the accompanying videos can be found through my website in the 'Transition Year' Music Section.
Teacher Guide:
This will guide you through the lessons (not lesson plans) - it will give you a few extra ideas for the activities also
Links to videos here:
These files come in a PDF digital format.
TY Music Booklet
•My Favourites
•The Orchestra
•Music Genres
•Rap and Hip Hop
•Film Music
•Music Therapy
•Basic Music Theory
•Note Names
•Note Duration
•Key Signatures
•Irish Music
•The Beatles
Each above contain worksheet style pages to be filled in based on the topic.
These are suggested activities that can be covered with a class of mixed abilities.
The links to the accompanying videos can be found through my website in the 'Transition Year' Music Section.
This product is best used with the accompanying teachers notes and PowerPoint - these are not included in this product. These are included in my shop - "TY Music Bundle" is the name of the resource containing everything.
This file comes in a PDF digital format.
Ebooks/ Journals/ Planning