Why do we dread the new staffroom so much? We're not teenagers anymore...
I suppose that fear of knowing nobody or being on our own never fully leaves us. Some are better able to handle it than others. A lot of the time the principal will walk you into the staffroom introduce you to 1 or 2 people and then leave you be. So it's up to you then to figure your way around the staffroom. Some staffrooms have a 'sit wherever you want' approach others have 'assigned seats' - I HATE THIS! Not actually assigned by the principal but they assign themselves to a seating arrangement and never change. There is nothing worse than sitting in someones else seat... as if their name is on it! Ridiculous if you ask me! I have been in staffrooms like this - don't fret about it just pull in a chair if one isn't available - you'll soon find a place to sit permanently. It can be very daunting as a newbie entering the staffroom so my advice is:
I'm writing this post to highlight how daunting it can be entering a new staffroom in the hope that anyone reading this will look out for the newcomers in the future. Some tips for current staff members welcoming a new team member:
It's a great idea to have a social committee or wellbeing committee to organise events for staff members at the start of the year - this helps to welcome everyone back and also helps the new staff members to meet the staff and settle in. Ideas for events: Dinner Drinks Bowling - highly recommend! Laser Tag Hike/ Walk Cycling Tea/ Coffee Morning Exercise Activities Hope you enjoyed the read and will help a newbie out this coming August! Toodles, Múinteoir Cole
Hey peeps,
Hope everyone enjoyed the last post! The why behind starting these blog posts... Really I just wanted to actually just start writing my thoughts/ experiences and share them with you. I just think that this is a better way to share longer pieces of information and also I can link things/ resources/ ideas much easier into my blogs as I talk about them. Writing is something that I used to hate in school - hated English as a subject but really enjoyed the class (friends, teacher, overall banter). But English and writing to sound 'good' was never my thing. I do like the idea of blogging here because I can be myself and if someone isn't happy with the way I write I don't care, ha lol xox But honestly I'm just excited to start this and I've got loads planned and I'm hoping that one person gets something from it. Not looking to please the world with these! It's something new, something out of my comfort zone and a goal that I had for 2021 - so here's to 'The Mind of Múinteoir Cole' So for now, Toodles, Múinteoir Cole Hello everyone,
Firstly welcome to my blog! AHHHHHHH can't believe I'm saying that. This post will be written as I would speak so keep your grammar rules to yourself. Thanks xox I was inspired to write this after discussing on my instagram story about how the long commute used to be so beneficial to me! I was actually far more organised and productive when I had to drive 1 hour to school (work). I suppose you're wondering... How? That's what I'm here to share! Firstly let me just say that you should concentrate on the road while driving and if thinking/ planning in your head will distract you from that then do NOT take your mind off the road. I am also not telling you to do what I have done - I'm just sharing what worked for me. How I used my time productively on my journey to school:
How I used my time productively on my journey home: It's pretty much the same as above but depending on how my day went I may have had a different journey home.
All of the above meant that I didn't spend as much time when it came to the written part of the above - planning lessons, making resources, typing out tests, etc. Also the fact that I spent 2 hours of my day driving meant that I was really productive and organised so that I had time to myself. I got my shit together!!! I was on a 22 hour contract but I did have a few free classes. Every Friday, I planned my for the following week in one 40 minute class that I was off for. Yes I did just say that ONE 40 MINUTE CLASS OF PLANNING. I also had another free class later that day where I organised my resources for those lessons - again I spent one 40 minute class on this. On a Thursday I had a class where I corrected any work I needed to. I checked students' copies during class time and I also did the majority of corrections in class time, especially homework corrections. I know it sounds crazy but I spent less time doing 'school stuff' that year than I have any other year - it was my first year out - I didn't have a big bank of resources, lessons, etc. But what I did have was a long drive that made the above easier. So on a final note please don't be put off a school because it's 'too far' - maybe 2 hours each way is too far but an hour is definitely doable! When I move house I'll be commuting 1 hour 15 mins and I honestly can't wait to be that productive and organised again! Thanks for reading if you got this far ya legend! Toodles, Múinteoir Cole |
AuthorThis is a space for me to share what's on my mind - teaching and life related. Expect nothing fancy or well composed just the real life Múinteoir Cole Archives
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